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Study trip "Promoting energy efficiency in the Algerian economy" to Berlin and Frankfurt August 2019

As part of the German-Algerian Energy Partnership, an Algerian delegation of executives from the Ministry of Energy and the National Agency for the Promotion and Implementation of Energy Use (APRUE), went on a trip, organized by the secretariat of the Energy Partnership and the project "Promoting Energy Efficiency (EE) in the Algerian economy", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. The aim of the trip was to get a close-up view of the German experience in that field and to exchange with various institutions on their successful practices and the difficulties to avoid promoting EE in business, in order to learn from the lessons that could be useful in the Algerian context.

Algeria is committed to the EE in order to provide sustainable solutions to the problems of sustainable energy supply. The implementation of the EE national programme aims to achieve an energy-saving deposit of around 93 million tonnes of oil equivalent (TOE) and reduce CO2 emissions by 200 million tonnes. In the areas covered by the programme, especially construction, transport and industry, a series of regulatory texts has been published over the past few years, along with supporting instruments (especially funding) and pilot activities to encourage Algerian companies, institutions and households to increase their EE. 

In this context, the German cooperation supports activities related to "Responsible Energy" trainings within the company and the realization of a pilot network of EE in companies (REEE) in close cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and APRUE.

Among the institutions visited were the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy, the Federal Association of Energy and Water Industries, the Federation of German Industry and the Institute of Efficiency and Energy Resources Energy Strategies. The interest on the Algerian side in the various German institutions and vice versa was great what resulted in fruitful discussions and exchanges.

The following German institutions were visited by the delegation:

  • Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) - German Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy

  • BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. – Federal Association of Energy and Water Economy

  • Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) - Credit institution for reconstruction
  • Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) - Federal Association of the German Industry
  • VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz - Centre for Resource Efficiency

  • TÜV Nord Group Berlin

  • Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) - Federal Office of Economy and Export Control

  • Hessische Landesenergieagentur (LEA Hessen) – Hessian Energy Agency
  • IREES (Institute of Resources for Efficiency and Energy Strategies)