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Study tour “Integration of renewable energies into the power grid and flexibility options”

Within the framework of the Algerian-German Energy Partnership, GIZ organized a study tour to Germany around the topic “Integration of renewable energies into the power grid and flexibility options”, from 18th to 24th November 2018, for an Algerian delegation consisting of representatives of the Algerian energy sector, led by the Ministry of Energy.

The theme is currently of a high relevance for Algeria, as the country plans a massive integration of variable renewable energies in to the grid. An installed capacity of 22.000 Megawatts in renewable energies is to be implemented by 2030, and most installations are going to be grid-connected.  

The purpose of the study tour was to facilitate exchange and sharing of experience in the field of the grid integration of renewable energies and grid management given increasing rates of power from renewable energy. Representatives from the Algerian energy sector could thereby benefit from German experience in this field by acquiring know-how and anticipation of possible future mistakes. At the same time, the exchange also allowed German institutions and companies to get to know the opportunities and challenges of the emerging renewable energy market.