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Intersolar 2023

Study tour: Intersolar 2023

An Algerian delegation, composed of representatives from Sonatrach, CAPC, Zergoun CEREFE, and GEC, traveled to Munich to participate in the international exhibition Intersolar 2023.

Intersolar is a leading event in the field of renewable energy, bringing together exhibitors from around the world to showcase the latest advances, technologies, and projects. During their visit, members of the Algerian delegation enjoyed a guided tour of prestigious international exhibitors such as Belectric, SMA, MayerBurger, Goldbeck Solar, BSW, as well as the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMZ).

The highlight of the delegation's participation was a meeting between the various Algerian and German institutions, organized in the form of a roundtable. This discussion allowed participants from the Algerian delegation to introduce themselves. Each representative had the opportunity to share information about their institution and its role in the field of renewable energy.

Next, Mr. Boukhalfa Yaïci, the General Director of the Green Energy Cluster Algeria, presented the solar program in Algeria, focusing on the ongoing tender for 2,000 MW. Following that, Mr. Billel Kalache, the Director of Renewable Energy at Sonatrach, presented Sonatrach's decarbonization program. The debate was opened, allowing participants to ask questions and engage in discussions on the topics presented. Constructive exchanges took place, fostering the sharing of expertise and ideas between the institutions of both countries.

Finally, the meeting concluded with a summary of the points discussed and the closing of the event. This gathering provided an opportunity for Algerian and German institutions to connect, establish connections, and explore possibilities for future collaboration. The objective was to foster synergies and create partnerships for joint projects in the field of renewable energy between Algeria and Germany.

Impressions of the event