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Capacity building and direct exchange of experiences on regional electricity exchanges between the transmission system operators of Germany, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Jordan

Germany, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Jordan" was organized for the benefit of the engineers of the Algerian System Operator. It was conducted by experts from Elia Grid International and 50Hertz during 3 days on 06, 13 and 14 December 2021.

A rich agenda was presented which rised a great interest among the engineers of the System Operator. These days were enriched by exchanges and debates around the following topics :

  1. Evolution of network planning methods for medium and long term studies in a context of the integration of renewable energies (RE).
  2. Impact of RE integration on operational processes within the Elia TSO (adequacy and congestion management)
  3. Flexibility of the electrical system in the context of RES integration: needs and different means
  4. Flexibility of the power system in the framework of RES integration: role of interconnections and regional integration: Regional integration of the European balancing model
  5. Stability analysis for a system with a high RE shares
  6. Role of new technologies in a context of RE integration: impact and necessary studies
  7. Political role and positioning of the TSO as a trusted actor in the context of energy transition

The final session served to recall the main conclusions, key elements and lessons learnt on the local impact and definition of TSO priorities.