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Business Council

The German Algerian Energy Partenership has hosted  the 5th edition of the ‘’German Energy Business coucil in Algeria’’ for the first time in virtual format.
Participated in this meeting, Mme Ellen Von Zitzewitz representing the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy (BMWi), the German Ambassy in Algeria, A representative of the German Development Bank (KfW) the German Algerian Chamber of trade AHK, the BSW Solar association, and 11 German campanies active or interested in the energy sector in Algeria.
The meeting was an opportunity to present the coming activities of the German Algerian Energy Partenership, including the hot topics of Power to X and Green Hydrogen, Benkability of Solar projects in Algeria and Digitalisation of the Energy Sector. Followed by a presentation of financing opportunies through the German development bank , and the activities of the AHK in the energy sector.
Before the closing, participents discussed the presented topics, and the potential difficulties facing the german companies in in the Algerian market, and thoughts on how to improve involvement of german companies in Algeria.