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1st MENA Event on Renewable Energies

Tenders over 70 GW, great interest in the region and high business opportunities where only three of many reasons why the Bilateral Energy Partnerships organized the 1st MENA Event dedicated to German companies on 30 January in Berlin. Together with the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) and Navigant, the GIZ invited on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) enterprises of the solar and wind sector to provide information on current demands and issues in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, Saudi-Arabia and the UAE.

Torsten Herdan (Director-General, BMWi) highlighted that next to the fulfillment of the Paris Agreement the countries of the Middle East and North Africa are particularly interesting because of their geographic proximity to Europe and their high resources of renewable energies. The technological and regulatory know-how Germany gained over the past decades and the existing good political relationships offer a suitable framework to enlarge the share of exports, expand knowledge exchange and foster together with partner countries the global energy transition.

In the following discussion the participants addressed financing and investment issues as most relevant challenges for a successful market entry. Providing contacts to local companies, facilitating access to tenders as well as an active engagement in relevant events in the partner countries are highly appreciated by German companies.

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